
Saturday 18 March 2017

Sunday Post 61; It's Monday, What are you reading? 46

The Sunday Post is a chance for a chat and a catch-up with other bloggers, and is hosted by Kimba, here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

Well, it's been a couple of weeks. Oops. I have a quiet Sunday afternoon ahead of me, so I'm listening to Hamilton and painting my nails and I thought "hey, I could do a blog post." So here I am :)

Uhm. I've mostly been doing coursework and studying, to be honest. And listening to Hamilton a lot. We got our first tests back for Intro to Law, last week, which I did well on. I have two assessments due this week, but I'll just have to wait and see how those go.

I'm reading on and off but my reading has been very patchy. I'm picking away at Ten Thousand Pieces of You, still; and Lords and Ladies. I'm also reading Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver on my ibooks, and that's pretty good. I keep trying to get into some kind of regular routine and then completely failing - lol.

I did treat myself to a couple of games on Steam - Herald, a narrative type game that follows the fortunes of a young sailor in a kind of alternate world 19th century; and Masquerada: Songs and Shadows, which is more my speed - masks and conspiracies and worldbuilding. Though I've reached a point where I keep dying - oops.

What else. Coursework. Games. Reading. Family things. That's ... about it? I do want to try and get a couple of posts up this week - book reviews and an awesome ladies post, I just need to do the research.

What about you? What are you reading? How's your week?

Saturday 4 March 2017

Sunday Post 60; It's Monday! What are you reading? 45

The Sunday Post is a chance for a chat and catch-up with other bloggers. It’s hosted by Kimba, here: and It’s Monday! What are you reading? Is hosted by Kathryn, here:

I … have not blogged at all. I need to be a bit more organized than this. Anyway.

Study continues, and our first assignments are looming, so we’re getting into deadlines and suchlike. I’m not worried yet, but I’m sure the worry is just around the corner.

I have some paperwork to deal with this week as well as I forgot to declare income to Winz, which I should have done. That’s on me, and I need to call them and sort out repayments. I’m not looking forward to it because bureaucracy, but needs must.

What else. I’m still trying to find a good rhythm for studying outside of class. I know what I want to do, and we have a kind of informal study group going, but sometimes I just want to bury myself at the library with my books. I need to strike that balance. I’ve also picked up a few hours of peer tutoring work with one of the other students in my course. It’s only six hours and it doesn’t pay much, but the experience will be good for me.

Outside of that … did I say that I bought the Dragon Age colouring book? Because I totally did. It’s awesome but so far I’ve been too intimidated to start on any of the pictures – lol. I need to practice my shading and skin tones. I’m not the world’s best or most patient colouring-in person, but I want to make these look pretty.

As for reading, I’m still working on Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray. I’ve also been reading Hard Wired by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell – the third novel in their M/M Cyberlove series. I’m really enjoying it – it’s a fast read and it’s an ebook so I can just pick up my ipad and zoom away.

I also have Lords and Ladies by Mr Sir Terry Pratchett on the go. I started it on Friday and I’m not very far in, but it is Mr Sir Terry Pratchett.

Other than that, not a lot is going on. Spawn has discovered Geronimo Stilton, and is enjoying those books. There seems to be approximately 784 books in the series so far, so they should keep him going for a bit.

What about you? How’s your week? What are you reading?