Thursday 27 April 2023

Our House

 We, on Friday, became the proud owners of a mortgage. We have actually lived in this house for 20 years, and it has changed hands a few times, so we've had ... three? four? landlords. 

In 2019 or so, our landlord said he wanted to subdivide as we had such a big backyard. It was put on pause because of the pandemic, but in the past couple of years he built a house where our backyard was and sold it. The neighbours are quiet but I do sort of miss having grass. I don't think J does, as he's the one who has to mow it.

Around the same time, the landlord came to us and asked if we wanted to buy the house. I went to the bank and they couldn't lend us enough at the time, so advise us to consolidate our debt, and try again in  a few years. So we had another run at it in 2021 but J had just started a new job, and one of the terms was both of us had to be in a job for at least a year.

Fast-forward to last year. The landlord came to us again and asked if we wanted to buy the house. He was going to do it up (carpets, wallpaper, new kitchen etc) and sell it anyway, so he gave us first refusal.

He went ahead and did all of the renovations and we went back to the bank. This time, it was good news.

The landlord said if we bought it, he'd sell it to us for the valuation price, and given the NZ housing market right now, I know how lucky we are. 

So we set a settling date of the 21st of April, and then let the bank and the lawyers do the heavy lifting.

Leaving us with a mortgage, a house of our own, and something that we can leave to spawn later on. 

The best part is we don't have to move. I hate moving.

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