Saturday 1 July 2023

Sunday Post 15; It's Monday, What are you reading? 15


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up - is hosted by Kimberly here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

Let's see ... it's winter here, and last week was very cold. I live near-ish the coast, so we don't get a lot of snow, but we certainly feel it when snow falls to low levels. We have had wind, rain and hail, however,

Which I don't mind, as long as I'm warm and I don't have to be outside in it.

One of my managers at work has retired, and her farewell was on Thursday. I'm fairly low on the ladder, but got drafted to speak anyway, because I can talk off-the-cuff and be funny. It was still an ordeal, though.

We came second - again - at quiz on Wednesday. We may need to do some studying to break that streak, I think.

Lily had a vet appointment yesterday. As I've mentioned in a previous post: Lily has hyperthyroidism, which means daily medication, and regular blood tests.

The last time she went, her thyroid function had dropped to 9, which is too low. On Saturday, her levels had rocketed to 47 - they're meant to be under 40. So her meds have been adjusted again, and she has to have more blood tests in another month. 

I needed some cross-stitch threads, so Spawn and I went to Spotlight and the library yesterday, and then I went to my friend's last night for our usual cross-stitch/reality TV/set the world to rights evening. The weather has been cold and wet all weekend, so I decided not to go anywhere at all today. 

I've been re-watching some old House episodes as it's on Prime. So I've done some stitching today, and Spawn and I also watched Nimona, which was a lot of fun.

I'm still reading Return of the King, which is my bedtime reading, and The Outsider by Stephen King. Which I am certainly not reading at bedtime, but the weather currently fits perfectly with Mr King's books.

I tend to have at least two books on the go - one I deem acceptable to read at bedtime, and one that I tend to pick up on Saturday/Sunday afternoons.

Anyway. How's your week? What are you reading?


  1. I wouldn't read King's books at bedtime or I'd be constantly checking under the bed, lol.

  2. I hope you are staying warm and dry, Maree. I like to stay inside when it's too cold out too. I am not good at off the cuff speaking but admire that skill in others!

    I hope the medication adjustment for Lily helps stabilize her numbers. It has to be stressful with so many ups and downs. Hopefully Lily is doing well otherwise.

    I hope you enjoy your reading! (I don't think I could read Stephen King at bedtime either!) Have a great week!

    1. The weather cleared up for the rest of the week, but it was cold. Lily is doing well otherwise, so fingers crossed her levels stabilise.

  3. Oh I hate speaking at work events lol. Hope you're having a nice weekend :)

  4. Stay warm and dry. I get cold easily, so even with our mild Southern California winter, I'm not a fan of the coolish season.

    1. I'm the opposite - I suffer more in hot weather. Autumn and winter are my favourites.

  5. Your weather sounds unpleasant but great for reading indoors. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is careful about what I read before bedtime. I'm way too suggestible. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. It was great for reading. Thank you :)

  6. cross-stitch/reality TV/set the world to rights evening == Hahahaha.

    That's cool that you have bedtime reading books and not bedtime reading books.

    1. It's a system that I find works really well for me. :)

  7. Cold in July. I don't think I can stand that. I have a cat that has thyroid problems. I has to bring her to the vet and give her medication.
    Have a great week.

  8. I'm very impressed that you are able to get up and speak at work events off the cuff! And I hope the weather eases up - we live near the coast, too. And while there isn't much snow, we often have bitterly cold winds that slice through you during the winter. Have a great week.

  9. Yikes! Don't know if I could talk in front of an audience!

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