Saturday 9 December 2023

The Sunday Post 36; It's Monday! What are you reading? 36


The Sunday Post - a chance for a catch-up with other bloggers - is hosted by Kimberly, here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

Capitalism once again trapped me with its seductive whispers about paying the mortgage and eating food, so I went to work. I didn't marry rich when I was young and skinny and we haven't won Lotto, so working for a living and feeding the machine it is.

I FINALLY managed to corral Lily into kitty jail and take her to the vet. She has hyperthyroidism and needed blood tests. Luckily her thyroid is still stable, so she doesn't need to go back for another 3 months. She was Not Impressed with the jail part, but oddly doesn't seem to mind being at the vet that much.

I did a spot of Christmas shopping yesterday, and just have a few more small things to get for Spawn. 

My sister has COVID, and she's a nurse, so she's isolating at home, so I went on a mission of mercy to the supermarket for her on Thursday and today as well. 

Apart from that I haven't done very much. I went to my friend's last night and we watched TV and stitched as usual.

Today Spawn and I watched the final David Tennant/Catherine Tate Doctor Who special and it was SO GOOD, I'm very happy with the show right now. 

I also did some stitching and watched The Batman, which is a good movie, if a tad long at just under 3 hours.

I finished Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo, which did take a minute to get going, but once it did it was a great ride.

I'm still reading Making it So, and I've also started Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin and enjoying it quite a lot. I'm ALSO reading Labyrinth's Heart by M A Carrick which is the final book in the Rook & Rose trilogy. It's SUCH a good series, but I never see anyone anywhere talking about it. I might do a separate post on that one, I think.

How about you? How's your week? What are you reading?


  1. "seductive whispers" lol

    I hope your sister is better soon! And Tomorrow sounds good, I've been seeing it around.

  2. I personally also feel entrapped by the capitalist whispers, although I did go striking this week xD But I felt bad during it about missing work, which means the whispers are now coming from inside the house xD I've heard amazing things about the lasted Dr. Who episodes, so now I'm contemplating diving back in! I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Oh, striking is rough for sure. Thank you :)

  3. Omg, you are totally speaking my language! I love the Rook and Rose series so much! I even used their pattern reading spread for several tarot readings and they turned out really great. They also had a Kickstarter campaign for the actual pattern deck, and I'm so upset that I missed it! I really hope they'll make it available again later so I can get one.

    1. Yes!! I'm so excited to hear that! I'm halfway through book three and I just love it SO much. Oh my gosh, I'd LOVE the pattern deck, that would be amazing!

    2. I know! I don't know how but I must have a deck!

  4. I hope your sister feels better soon! I'm glad you're liking Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. I want to read that one.

  5. Sounds like a good week. I hope your sister feels better soon. I also enjoyed Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. That was great of you to run to the supermarket for your sister. That was the one thing I really wished I had help with when I was in Arkansas. Someone to go get my groceries. It was a happy day when our tiny town finally got Walmart Pick Up. Never did get Walmart delivery, but pick up was a lifesaver. Anyway, hope your sis is much better by now.

    Glad Lily is doing good as well!

    I remember reading Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow...did they ever come out with a movie? Google says Paramount bought the rights to it so, not yet, I guess.

    1. The supermarket has click and collect, but it was really only a few things, so not worth placing an order. I don't mind. :)
