Tuesday 4 April 2023

Building a reader's corner


There is a longer story behind this photo but the SparkNotes version is that our landlord has spent the past few months doing up the house with the intention of selling it.

By our very good fortune, he offered it to us first, and we have been able to buy it. More on that after settling date, because I'm superstitious.

One of the good and great side-effects, however, has been that we've had to clear out a lot of stuff. And by "we" I mean J, because he's done all the work with shifting stuff around and throwing stuff out.

My room was the last to be done up and I had what can only be described as hoarders' corners. They've been cleared out, and the stuff is either books in bookcases, or in bags and containers in the garage, ready to be sorted through.

Once the work was done, I realised something. I have room for a reader's corner. It's not very big, as you can see from the photo, BUT it IS big enough for a chair, and a little bedside table which will eventually house a lamp and a small pile of books.

Meanwhile what it has is a blank spot, a placemat that my mother made many years ago from leftover scraps of patchwork projects, and a mysterious sculpture. I say "mysterious" because while I *think* I remember buying it, I have absolutely no memory of the artist. 

So next on the agenda is doing some thrifting. I need a chair - and because I'm a shortass - I also need a footstool. And a lamp. 

Because I had so much stuff all piled up, a reader's corner only ever seemed like something that happened to other people on YouTube or Pinterest.

But now - hopefully - it will be me. In Real Life.