Saturday 16 September 2023

The Sunday Post 25; It's Monday! What are you reading? 25


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to catch up - is hosted by Kimberly here: and It's Monday! What are  you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

The week that was .... let's see.

Work was busy, but not overwhelming. One of my team members - the one who went on the cruise - came home with Covid, and so was off sick all last week. Hopefully she's feeling better this week.

We came third at quiz on Wednesday night, which for me is frustrating. It's always a fun night, but I'm competitive, so I like to win. The pub is closed this week for renovations, so no quiz this week.

There was a movie night at work on Friday after work. I wasn't going to go, because I like to sit in my house on Friday nights and do nothing, but it was organised by one of my work friends, so I went to support her.

It was a good night actually - we had snacks, pizza and watched Dogma. AND I was home by 9. 

Spawn went to a friend's place on Friday night for a party/sleepover and I picked him up on Saturday morning. We went to the library and I had a couple of other errands to run, so did those as well.

Now, of course, he's sick. Blocked nose, sore throat, the full monty. Poor kid. 

Today I haven't done much at all. I'm going to park up in the living room with TV and some stitching, and that will be my day.

I finished Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce, and really enjoyed it.

I'm still reading A Marvellous Light by Freya  Marske, and that's really good. I also had Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six as a digital loan, and I had started it, but it's due back today. So I'll just borrow that one again when it's available.

A workmate loaned me The Crow graphic novel, and if I have time I'm going to pick that up today.

How about you? How's' your week? What are you reading?


  1. I looked up Some Kind of Fairy Tale and it sounds intriguing so I've added it to my TBR - thanks for the idea!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  2. I absolutely loved A Marvellous Light - until we reached the very graphic sex scenes, which neither the cover nor the blurb had warned me about. And while I did finish the book, I decided not to continue with the series. Glad work wasn't too intense this week and I hope your co-worker recovers quickly and cleanly from covid. Have a great week, Maree.

    1. The sex scenes didn't bother me - I just skimmed them and carried on with the story. Thank you :)

  3. I enjoyed Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six but most of the characters were unlikeable. Everybody going on trips or events is getting sick. I'm continuing my policy of mostly staying home and wearing a mask if I do go out to things.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I'm getting through it and enjoying the story so far. I'm a homebody as well.

  4. I remember wanting to read secluded. Hope it's good. And I hope your son is feeling better.

    1. It's entertaining at least. He is, thank you :)

  5. I read The Crow graphic novel a few years ago. I love that movie. I can't believe they are remaking it. I think they should leave the original alone but who am I? Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I haven't watched the movie in years. I still haven't read the graphic novel, which I should get on to, given it's a loaner. :)

  6. I'm still working on review copies. I might always be working on review copies since I added nine more this week. Otherwise your week was packed with excitement when compared to mine. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
