Tuesday, 30 May 2023

I don't know about you, but I"m feeling 52... almost


I'm going to be 52 in a couple of weeks. (The 12th of June to be precise. I don't believe in astrology, but I'm a Gemini.)

I've had an idea percolating for a while, to find 52 things I can achieve in 52 weeks. Not necessarily to do something once a week, because that's a bit ... limiting? 

I have a couple of ideas so far.

I do cross-stitch, and I don't really want to learn a new craft, but what I do want to do is learn beading. I've never done it, but I have projects on the go that do use it.

I also refuse to learn how to do French knots, so learning beading will be a good alternative. 

The second one - and this probably sounds silly - but I want to learn how to do pretty eye makeup. I don't really wear a lot of makeup (the above picture was from a work do last year) but I always think it looks pretty and it's something I'd like to learn for myself.

So that's ... two things. Two down. 50 to go. I still have a couple of weeks to add to the list. :)

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Sunday Post 10; It's Monday! What are you reading? 10


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up is hosted by Kimba, here: https://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/ and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here: https://thebookdate.wordpress.com/

Is it me, or is the year going faster and faster? I swear I blinked on Monday morning and now it's Sunday afternoon again!

Let's see... 

Spawn was struggling last Sunday with a swollen cheek and very sore tooth. I kept him home on Monday, and performed a miracle: I got him into the dentist that same day (it's almost impossible to get a same-day dentist appointment here). I worked in the morning, then took him in.

He had a dead tooth, and the options were either an extraction or a root canal and a crown. With the extraction the problem was once his wisdom teeth cam down(they haven't yet) it would push his other teeth over into the gap.

So we opted for the root canal. He's had his first appointment, and has two more. At the last one they'll put in the crown. Luckily, in New Zealand, dental treatment is free for children under 18. (Not braces. Braces ask for a kidney, half of  your liver and a portion of your soul. [He doesn't have braces for this reason]). 

So Monday and Tuesday were rocky for the poor kid, to say the least.

I went to quiz on Wednesday night as usual, and we came in second, which was nice.

Friday night I had the house to myself as spawn was off for a sleepover, and Jeremy works nights.
I ended up going to bed early and reading for a bit. It gives me a glimpse into what my life might look like once spawn is away, living his own life. I have enough of my own interests (I hope) to get through empty nest syndrome, but it's not something I'm looking forward to.

On Saturday, myself, spawn and a friend of mine went to the library, and as always on a Saturday evening, I went to the same friend's house for reality TV, stitching, and setting the world to rights. 

I'm still reading The Two Towers, and also The Rembrandt Affair. I also still have Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit on the go. 

I still need to take some pictures of the cross-stitch works in progress I have on the go for a post, but that's a job for next weekend, I think.

Anyway. How's your week? What are you reading?

Saturday, 20 May 2023

The Sunday Post 9; It's Monday! What are you reading? 9


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up - is hosted by Kimba, here: https://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/ and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn here: https://thebookdate.wordpress.com/

Let's see ...  I didn't manage to get Lily to the vet on Tuesday, of course. So I rescheduled her appointment - yet again - and finally managed to get her in yesterday for her blood tests. They also cleaned her ears, so she came home with a very wet head.

Her thyroid levels have dropped, which means halving the medication she takes every day.
It's a balancing act for sure, and she has to go back to the vet in a  month for more blood tests.

We won at quiz on a tiebreaker on Wednesday night, which was nice because we beat one of our main rivals. 

What else. I didn't do much else yesterday apart from take Lily to the vet and go to my friend's like I do every Saturday. I sort of spent most of the afternoon zoned out, but sometimes you need that I think.

Today spawn went to a birthday party, and I took the chance to go to the library. 
We're going to spend some time watching The Flash (his choice) so I'm going to get my stitching out and do just that for a bit. 

I'm still reading The Two Towers, and also The Rembrandt Affair. I'm also picking up/putting down The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics, which is fun, and also Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit by P G Wodehouse. 

Today's stitching projects are a Narnia stitch-along and also a blackwork stitch-along through a Facebook group. Definition of what that is, here: https://xstitchmag.com/what-is-a-stitch-along/#:~:text=A%20Stitch%20Along%2C%20or%20SAL,stitch%20along%20with%20other%20stitchers.
I'm a little bit further along with both projects than these photos but it gives an idea. 

How about you? What are you reading? How's your week?

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

 Billie, Mary Alice, Natalie and Helen are the best of the best - covert assassins for a shadowy organisation called The Museum.

Only now the quartet have all turned 60, and are facing retirement. 

They go on a celebratory cruise, organised by the Museum.

However, soon the women uncover a plot to assassinate them. 

They escape, and then have to figure out why they're being targeted.

Each of the women know that the easiest way to find out what's happening is to play to their greatest strength. The fact that as women age, they become more and more invisible.

And underestimated.

Killers of a Certain Age is the type of book I wish there was more of. Middle-aged to pushing the retirement envelope ladies kicking ass and taking names. Books. Movies. TV shows. Give me all of it.


I did enjoy Killers of a Certain Age, but I did find the flashback chapters tended to slow down the action of the main story just a bit.

Minor criticism aside, this was great fun to read.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

The Sunday Post 8; It's Monday! What are you reading? 8


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up - is hosted by Kimba, here: https://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/ and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here: https://thebookdate.wordpress.com/

Let's see. My week was much the same work-wise. Which, in this economy, I will take honestly.

Went to quiz as usual on Wednesday night, where we came second. 

Saturday I was supposed to take Lily to the vet. She's due for blood tests to test her thyroid function.
I've written about Lily's health issues here: http://lifetheuniverseandcats.blogspot.com/2023/03/about-lily.html

So of course she was nowhere to be found. I can't call her, either, as she's deaf. 
I rescheduled the appointment, and then completely forgot about it until the vet rang me.
She was - again - nowhere to be found. (She's fine. She just has a radar.)

So please cross all fingers that she's around after 5pm on Tuesday so I can scoop her up and get these blood tests done!

Went to my friend's as usual on Saturday night and made (slow) progress on my Saturday stitching projects. I'm going to do a post on that soon-ish but I need to take some up to date pictures of my current works in progress.

Spawn is 16(!) tomorrow, so he had a sleepover here on Friday night with a couple of his wee friends. (It amuses me to call them that because they're all taller than me.) Luckily teenage boys are fairly low-maintenance. All I had to do was provide pizza, and then I hid in my own room to watch TV.

We went to McDonald's (spawn's choice) for lunch today, and had a browse in the mall.

I got some stitching done on my Sunday projects today, while listening to episodes of the podcast You Must Remember This, which is about the golden age of Hollywood.

And now here I am - lol.

I've finished Killers of a Certain Age, and will do a review later this week.

Now I'm reading The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva, and I'm about to start The Two Towers for my LOTR re-read.

How about you? How's your week? What are you reading?

Saturday, 6 May 2023

The Sunday Post 7; It's Monday, What are you reading? 7


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up - is hosted by Kimba, here: https://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/ and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here: https://thebookdate.wordpress.com/

Let's see.... I didn't do a lot last week. We won at quiz, which was nice. I always have the intention of a weeknight to do some stitching, but it does depend on how tired I'm feeling. I'm working on more than one project at the moment (and always) but the main one is a small llama picture I'm doing for a friend's birthday. Her birthday is next month, so I might miss the deadline but I'm going to try.

When I get some pictures organised, I'll do a projects post.

I took spawn for a haircut yesterday, as he was starting to look like Johhny Bravo. It's a lot tidier now.
Then he pointed out that his sneakers have a mouth, so we also went shoe-shopping. 

I went to my friend's as usual last night to watch reality TV and stitch.

Today has been a day of ferrying spawn about and binge-watching some old CSI:NY episodes.

I'm still reading FOTR, and I also started Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn about a team of 60-something lady assassins who soon realise their retirement celebrations are not what they were expecting. So far it's very entertaining.

I also started The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva which is proving to be entertaining so far.

How about you? How's your week? What are you reading?

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Review - A Billion Years by Mike Rinder


Mike Rinder's parents became scientologists when he was 10. So, at that age, Mike also became one, and signed a billion-year contract. 

At 17, Mike travelled from his home in Australia to the United States to join the Sea Org, part of the wider scientology organisation.

What followed after that was years of abuse - that's really the only word I can find. 

Mike tells his story with clear hindsight, and he obviously has regrets about the things he did while still in scientology, first for founder L Ron Hubbard, and later for David Miscavige - the current leader.

A Billion Years is a fascinating insight into scientology, and how it functions - or not - in the real world. It's equal parts horrific and hopeful, as Mike finally decides that he has had enough and walks away from scientology for good.

However, scientology isn't quite as willing to let him have a clean break, and years of Fair Gaming (basically harassment and stalking) begins. 

Mike also co-hosted the podcast Fair Game with Leah Rimini - who also very publically split from scientology.

A Billion Years is well worth reading, and also, if it is still around, the documentary film from a few years ago - Going Clear.