Saturday 20 May 2023

The Sunday Post 9; It's Monday! What are you reading? 9


The Sunday Post - a chance for bloggers to have a chat and a catch-up - is hosted by Kimba, here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn here:

Let's see ...  I didn't manage to get Lily to the vet on Tuesday, of course. So I rescheduled her appointment - yet again - and finally managed to get her in yesterday for her blood tests. They also cleaned her ears, so she came home with a very wet head.

Her thyroid levels have dropped, which means halving the medication she takes every day.
It's a balancing act for sure, and she has to go back to the vet in a  month for more blood tests.

We won at quiz on a tiebreaker on Wednesday night, which was nice because we beat one of our main rivals. 

What else. I didn't do much else yesterday apart from take Lily to the vet and go to my friend's like I do every Saturday. I sort of spent most of the afternoon zoned out, but sometimes you need that I think.

Today spawn went to a birthday party, and I took the chance to go to the library. 
We're going to spend some time watching The Flash (his choice) so I'm going to get my stitching out and do just that for a bit. 

I'm still reading The Two Towers, and also The Rembrandt Affair. I'm also picking up/putting down The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics, which is fun, and also Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit by P G Wodehouse. 

Today's stitching projects are a Narnia stitch-along and also a blackwork stitch-along through a Facebook group. Definition of what that is, here:,stitch%20along%20with%20other%20stitchers.
I'm a little bit further along with both projects than these photos but it gives an idea. 

How about you? What are you reading? How's your week?


  1. I've been giving away books to a used book store, clearing out the basement to make an office. Carrying up the books from the basement is the hardest part. It's also hard to part with books I've had for umpteen years! Have a good week.

    1. I need to do that too! I just need to find the mental energy!

  2. I hope Lily is doing well. It's been a quiet week for me, for the most part. I hope you have a good week!

  3. I hope Lily responds well to the change in medication. I'm fascinated that you're reading several books at a time - and all very different. I hope the coming week is a good one, Maree:).

    1. I do, too! I usually have at least two books on the go - usually different genres as well.

  4. Aww, poor kitty. I hope the change in meds brings improvement. Yay for trips to the library. I mostly borrow using Libby but always delight in a trip down the aisles. Have a lovely week!

    1. Hopefully! She's due for more blood test in a few weeks. I use Libby as well - I call it "going to the library" but it's about 10pm at night. :)

  5. Hope your kitty is on the mend! Cool stitching! I dabbled in embroidery many years ago. Would love to try it again. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    1. She'll always have hyperthyroidism, so it's really about managing her condition and hoping for the best. Thank you!!

  6. You are certainly reading an interesting variety of books. Your stitching looks good too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Congrats on the quiz! I hope Lily is doing well...

    1. She's doing all right for now. *Fingers crossed* it stays that way.

  8. I hope Lily's thyroid level stabilizes soon! I remember having to give my cat Parker medication every day--he was a pro about it up to the end. I can't imagine my two cats now would be very cooperative though. I hope you are enjoying your reading! Have a great week!

    1. Hopefully!! Luckily the medication is topical, so she doesn't mind it very much - I just rub it on the inside of her hear once a day.
