Saturday 24 February 2024

Sunday Post 46; It's Monday! What are you reading? 46


The Sunday Post - a chance for a catch-up - is hosted by Kimberly here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

Son of Mine is over his bout of Covid and husband and I were lucky enough not to be infected this time around. Son's symptoms were mostly that of a bad cold or flu, and he spent a lot of time napping. He's feeling better, tested negative, and he's back to school tomorrow. Which he is VERY excited about.*


Anyway. I opted not to go to quiz on Wednesday night as a couple of my team members are immuno-compromised, so I stayed home, and the team won without me. 

Apart from that... not a lot, really. Son of Mine and I went to the library on Saturday, and he's recently taken up drawing, so I took him to buy some colouring pencils and sketch paper. I went to my friend's as usual on Saturday, where we stitched and watched Survivor. We're only up to season 44, so no spoilers. :)

Today I had some sour cream and bananas that needed to be used up so I made a banana loaf, which came out pretty well. I spent the rest of the afternoon stitching and listening to You Must Remember This, a podcast about the first 100 years of Hollywood history. It's interesting stuff and podcast listening is great for stitching.

Otherwise I've been watching more Star Trek: Voyager. I also started season 2 of Reacher, which for me is just pure entertainment. I've only read one of the books, and I thought it was okay, but the show is great fun. I also watched the first episode of The Fall of the House of Usher, which I really enjoyed, but I need to wait until Son of Mine isn't around. I enjoy watching things with him but he comments on everything and I feel like Usher is the kind of show I really need to concentrate on.

I'm trying to watch more movies as well as reading more books, and towards that goal I try to watch one movie a week. Sometimes it pans out, sometimes it doesn't. This week I watched The Bourne Identity, which I haven't seen in many years. It holds up pretty well.

I'm still reading Foundryside, which is great. I had started Marple, an anthology of short stories featuring Miss Marple by modern day writers, but I sent it back to the library after "Miss Marple let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding" in the first story, and Miss Marple cursing ("hell" but Miss Marple would never) in the second one. So I've gone back to the source material, and I'm re-reading A Caribbean Mystery. 


  1. I'm glad that you stayed COVID free and your son is on the mend.

    I'm watching more films on Netflix but I've decided to slow down a bit to get more reading done 🤣 it's all good fun though!

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. I'm not surprised that you sent the book back - the very idea of Miss Marple cursing!!! Agatha must be spinning in her grave at that iteration of her lady detective. I am glad you're enjoying Foundryside - I liked it too. Have a great week:).

  3. I'm glad your son feels better! I loved The Fall of the House of Usher, but it's very bloody. It would give a kid nightmares for sure. :)

    1. I haven't managed to get back to it yet, hopefully soon!

  4. I'm glad you didn't get Covid and your son is feeling better. I watched the first season of Reacher and enjoyed it. I have to get to the second one soon. Hope you have a great week!

  5. I'm glad your son's feeling better and that you and your husband didn't get sick this time.

    I've thought about watching Reacher, but my husband is mad Amazon is charging more for their service so, yeah.

  6. I loved those first three Bourne movies. Glad your son is better and you guys avoided getting it.

    1. I'm going to work my way through them, I think.

  7. I'm glad your son is better. I read The Caribbean Mystery as part of a book club a few years back. Dated, but still a good mystery.

