Saturday 3 February 2024

The Sunday Post 43; It's Monday! What are you reading? 43


The Sunday Post - a chance for a catch-up - is hosted by Kimberly, here: and It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Kathryn, here:

Let's see ... capitalism unclenched its jaws slightly, and I'm halfway through two weeks off work.

I didn't do a lot last week - some reading, some stitching. I watched the first series of Reacher (Large Man Hits Things A Lot) which I enjoyed, and Son of Mine and I have started watching Fool Me Once, on Netflix, which is very good.

I did errandy type things on Wednesday and on Friday went to my friend's place for a bonus stitching/watching session. We watched a couple of episodes of the Traitors UK, and then finished the series last night at our regular Saturday night session. It's So. Good. It's  honestly my favourite show, I think.

Son of Mine had a couple of friends over on Friday night for a sleepover, so I threw some pizza to the wolves, and retreated to my room to do some stitching and watch some Voyager. 

Yesterday was a quiet one though I did get some reading done.

I had coffee today with a friend/workmate of mine. She's leaving at the end of this month and I am very sad about it - she's one of my people at work. We started about the same time and have pretty much been friends ever since. But she feels the need for a change, and while I'm happy for her, I'm sad for me. 

I finished The Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking, and was highly entertained. I'm still reading Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett, and I also started Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett, which is sort of ... industrial fantasy? If that's a category. That's what it feels like. 

I'm also reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. I want to watch the series, but wanted to read the book first.

How about you? How's your week? What are you reading?


  1. Sounds like you had a great first week of vacation. Hope this week is just as good.

  2. That's tough to lose a friend/ workmate.

    Foundryside sounds familiar, I think I might have seen that one recently...

  3. Enjoy your time off work! I'm always sad when my favorite coworkers leave. I work in a place that has an extremely high turnover rate, so I should be used to it, but I'm devastated every time.

  4. I lol'd at Large Man Hits Things A Lot for Reacher. It's so true, but I love the show! I also loved The Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking, and Foundryside! I read the first two and loved them, but I haven't read the third, thanks for the reminder. I'll probably have to reread the first two because it's been a while. I like the category industrial fantasy for them. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. I'm sorry your friend at work is leaving. I know how that feels. It's so hard. Hopefully, you'll like the person who takes her place. I hope you have a great week!

  6. Vacations go way to fast, don't they? I hope you enjoy this week before you have to go back to work. I am sorry to hear your friend/coworker is leaving. I hope you two can stay in touch! I enjoy Reacher too. I haven't seen Fool Me Once, but I do want to. I am glad you are enjoying it! I hope you continue to enjoy your reading and have a great week! Try not to think about work even a little before you have to.

    1. They do!! I'm sure we will stay in touch - thank you :)

  7. Sounds like a good week.

    That is sad when a friend leaves work.

    Some good sound books there. I want to read more Fantasy.

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  8. We are just starting to plan our big holiday for the year. but it is still months away!!

    have a great week!

    1. Something to look forward to! Thank you :)

  9. I love The Haunting of Hill House series. I read the book some time ago and found it to be rather slow but the series is great!

  10. I have a copy of Foundryside...somewhere.
    Have a great week.

  11. I'm sad for you that your workmate is leaving, too.

    Threw some pizza to the wolves!!!!

    1. Thank you. Best way to placate walking teenage stomachs, I find. :)
